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By Dale Gilbert on Thursday, June 6, 2019

Read Half Finished A Novel edition by Lauraine Snelling Religion Spirituality eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 766 KB
  • Print Length 337 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1478920076
  • Publisher FaithWords (March 26, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 26, 2019
  • Language English

Half Finished A Novel edition by Lauraine Snelling Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

  • I found this book very hard to get into. It was just not very interesting. There are a lot of characters and I didn’t click with any of them.
  • Very few novels today deal have well developed main characters who are at a later stage in life, so I was excited to have the chance to read a prepublication copy of "Half Finished" by Lauraine Snelling, an author whose work I hadn't read before. The book opens with Mary Jean (MJ) talking on the phone with her friend, Roxie, after a bin of craft supplies has fallen off a shelf onto her head. Frustrated by the number of unfinished craft projects each woman has, they decide to start a UFO group... unfinished objects. The idea is people in their Fond du Lac, Wisconsin community can meet to work on unfinished projects, encouraging one another while tackling things started with the best of intentions that have lingered undone.

    It's a remarkable book about faith, family and (especially) friendship that had me laughing and crying at various points. I don't want to give too much of the story away, but some of the characters lives are changed completely as the chapters progress. A good book to settle in with during the rainy weather we've been having, it made me wish such communities still exist in real life. I'd have liked a few parts to be developed more fully, but otherwise really enjoyed Snelling's new novel. Solid 4 stars.
  • I am still in the first third of this book so far. I am reviewing it now though because I am not sure I will even finish it. I liked the idea of this book - a group of people (I thought just women, but they included men) helping to encourage each other to finish all their unfinished craft projects. But I just am having trouble getting into it. I don't click with the writing style, I guess. It starts right off with two main characters and they dive right into the UFO (Un-Finished Objects) idea and it almost feels like it's being rushed. And before we even get to know much about them, we are starting to meet several more characters. I normally don't have trouble keeping up with names and remembering who they are, but for some reason in this book that keeps happening. So maybe there are just too man characters introduced too early on, or they are not memorable enough in their description and appeal to stick in my head. Also normally I love descriptive writing and hearing the details of the characters' everyday lives. But in this book I find it dull. Do you ever have a relative or co-worker or someone who talks to you about everybody they know (that you do not know at all), and all their daily lives and problems (and not interesting things either), and you just have no interest at all and are wondering, why are you telling me all this? You do not know these people and don't know enough about them to really have an interest if their dog stopped to smell yet another bush along his walk that day, or how many servings of chicken soup they made, and how many they will go deliver and how many they will have left over for their own meals. Again, it's weird because I normally love this type of writing in novels, just everyday life of the characters. For some reason I just don't really get into this. I have not clicked with the characters. I do like the idea of encouraging each other to finish projects, but sometime there are projects not worth it. You realize you didn't have a knack of enjoyment of that particular crafting medium, or it just was not working the way it should. I also like their sense of community, helping each other, you can tell they really care about people and I love that. I also support any Christian writing because I keep God close to me all day, every day, and my friends and I do talk about our walk with God all the time. I am going to try and finish the book. I have been dealing with health issues so maybe it's just me, my tired brain, and physical issues at the moment that are coming between me and the book. I don't know. It's just not been much of a page tuner for me though.
  • Are you a crafter? If so, you may have a UFO or two are your house. . .No, I don't mean a flying saucer for extraterrestrial beings. I mean unfinished objects, or UFOs as they are referred to in Half Finished. Lauraine Snelling writes about small town life and a group of people gathering to finish their unfinished craft projects. . .and how their lives intersect in other ways.

    Half Finished was a little slow for me to start with as I got to know the characters in this book. Then it picked up speed and I truly enjoyed the people and became interested in their lives. There is one woman in this book who experiences grieving for her spouse. I thought that was well-written as Snelling seemed to truly understand the steps and the challenges the character was facing. Other characters face different life challenges that were happier and those were well portrayed too. They also balanced the sad parts in the book with a happy story.

    Of course Half Finished would be of interest to crafters as there is a lot of talk about craft projects. Also, this book would be appealing to mid-life and older women as they face a different set of challenges in life--many of which were portrayed in this book. Half Finished also portrayed life in a small town in the Midwest accurately (as someone from a small town in the Midwest). Lastly, I thought Snelling did a good job of portraying spiritual issues in this book and I liked it from a Christian stand point. It wasn't preachy but there were spiritual insights to pass along--especially at the end. At the same time, this book isn't full of high action drama, if that is what you want, but rather meanders along like life in a small town does. I would recommend Half Finished and encourage other Christian women to give it a try.

    I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. #sponsoredbyfaithwords