Ebook The Truth About Love and Dogs The laugh out loud new romcom about friendship and happily ever afters eBook Lilly Bartlett Michele Gorman

By Dale Gilbert on Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Ebook The Truth About Love and Dogs The laugh out loud new romcom about friendship and happily ever afters eBook Lilly Bartlett Michele Gorman

Product details

  • File Size 488 KB
  • Print Length 332 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Notting Hill Press (October 13, 2016)
  • Publication Date October 13, 2016
  • Language English
  • ASIN B01LW80PF7

The Truth About Love and Dogs The laugh out loud new romcom about friendship and happily ever afters eBook Lilly Bartlett Michele Gorman Reviews

  • The Truth About Love and Dogs by Michele Gorman (pen-name Lilly Bartlett) is a chick lit and romance novel that is realistic. This book has been updated as well as a new cover. The book is about Scarlett and her husband Rufus. Scarlet and the character Shannon are in a dog business walking business together. Shannon is good friends with Rufus(since she known as a child) and Scarlett.

    This book talks about the hard work it takes to make a marriage work. It talks about the frustration of not getting pregnant. The book does not sugarcoat about the frustrations of not getting pregnant. I thought that was good.

    This book reminds a reader what truly matters in life . While this story is going on, there are the stories of the dogs and the humans of the dogs we meet. This I loved for I am animal lover. Also, because there are lines where the author makes a reader feel they are reading a dog mind. The dog stories are funny and will bring a smile to any humans of dogs or pets. As humans of dogs or any pets, we know our pets facial expressions for they are our kids.

    Regardless, all these stories come together to show what true love is and the miracles dogs bring into our life. I will be honest. I read this book before. I gave five stars but I have lost my handwritten (I am old fashioned.) notes on this book and why I gave a five star. I only bring this up for I do not give out five stars reviews like Halloween Candy(Line from television show Suits). I removed this book from my profile and read it again. It stills remains a 5 star because of the reminder on what really matters in life, the importance of family, love does not have to be blood, and dogs are truly angels.

    I do not read a lot of chick lits. However, I try to broaden my horizon. Some of the girls besties stuff in this book is not my style, that does not get against my rating. I recommend this book to all dog lovers and to everyone for that like to broaden their horizons.

    Whoops. Update. 02-26-19 at 1140 pm Eastern Standard Time
    The actual line from the TV show Suits was something like this ” We do not give out partnerships like Halloween Candy.”
  • I have been a fan of Ms Gorman's since I picked up my first book of hers. This latest offering is no different. I can usually relate to her characters because they are well written with depth. They aren't perfect. They do stupid things and make bad decisions. But they are like me and the people I know. The plot of this story is well paced and moved steadily forward. If you or someone you love enjoys well written chick lit this book is bound to be a winner. For several nights I sent my daughter bits of this story by text, knowing they would start her day with a laugh. When I finally told her what they were from she said she'd bought the book already but now she'd have to read it next.
  • This was another great book. I love how Scarlett helps people train their dogs but is also helping the lives of the owners do better in their own lives. Scarlett and Rufus go through some rough times in this book but they find a way to work it out. One thing I didn't like about this book is was Scarlett and Shannon's names, they are way too similar and since they were best friends I did get them confused at times. Also we really don't find out what happens with Shannon and Mr. Darcy. Overall I liked this book.
  • I like this author. This book is an enjoyable read. I like that it takes place in England, but more importantly that it revolves around female friendship. I also love how it touches on perspective, and we all see people in different ways. Approaches serious issues as well but not aggressively which I appreciate.
  • I enjoyed this book that had a lot of different emotions to it. I love all of her books.
  • I'm mid-read of this book right now and it's kinda hard to get through. I guess it's just not holding my attention, but I will finish it! I actually do want to know what happens.
  • I really enjoyed this light-hearted and heart warming tale (pun-intended) even more than I thought I would...
  • I really enjoy reading all of Michele Gorman's books, they're fun, relaxing, and a nice escape from reality! And I like happy endings!