Read Online Science of Yoga Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Perfect Your Practice Ann Swanson 9781465479358 Books

By Dale Gilbert on Thursday, May 16, 2019

Read Online Science of Yoga Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Perfect Your Practice Ann Swanson 9781465479358 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher DK (January 8, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 146547935X

Science of Yoga Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Perfect Your Practice Ann Swanson 9781465479358 Books Reviews

  • My bookshelves are filled with beautifully written and wonderfully informative books on everything yoga. Some would think I have all the books I could ever possibly need or want on the subject of yoga. Not so. I am pretty excited about this new book - Science of Yoga - by Ann Swanson. It's the kind of book that those new to yoga and those who have practiced for years will want to have as a resource - a book they will refer to again and again. The book is brilliantly laid out and very impressive in its scope. Anatomy and physiology has been simplified and broken down to make it user friendly and understandable for virtually anyone. It's fact filled and food for the curious mind. It's the kind of book that can be consumed in bits and pieces but I recommend reading the whole book first so you don't miss any of the great information that this author shares. Anatomy and physiology is just the beginning of this book. It offer's so much more. Pictures clearly showing various asanas/poses in seated, standing, inversions and floor that depict joints, the muscles engaged, muscles engaging while stretching, and the muscles stretching. There's more - there's tips, variations and benefits to each pose...and still again, there's more. A question's and answer's section to guide you into deeper understandings and how to utilize and access the information and research out there. Another section goes over precautions and suggestions for specific health issues. The glossary included is a wonderful addition to this book. Like the rest of the book, it is clear and concise. This will be the book on your bookshelf that you will go back to again and again and again...
  • As a yoga instructor who doesn’t believe in chakras and stuff, I’ve been looking for a book that explains the benefits of yoga from a scientific standpoint. This book is INCREDIBLE! The information is easy to read and retain. I am so excited about this find and 100% recommend it to anyone who practices, or wants to start practicing, yoga!!!
  • Ann Swanson's book was required reading in my recent In-Depth Anatomy of Asana class at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Did I need another anatomy book? Apparently, because I am more pleased than ever with this book! The first thumb-thru (full disclosure I'm a fine quality printing nerd) I was struck by the rich illustrations, nice-to-read matte paper, and the multiple call-outs in the "big picture" and "closer look" information boxes that accompany the text. Beautifully indexed and color coded, the content is SUPER organized and covers both systems anatomy and asana anatomy. It makes yoga anatomy accessible and clear, and brings the latest science of yoga to the fore. As I am a teacher of Advanced Yoga Therapy, I know this book will quickly show signs of much use. In my recent training class, I was able to dive right in to many concepts by using the diagrams and detailed close ups. It helped with discussions on the latest Science of Yoga topics, such as Polyvagal Theory, the effects of yoga on the autonomic nervous system, proprioception, and even some of the physiological reasons we should change some of our cues in yoga! So happy to see SCIENCE and YOGA taken together so seriously in this book. Highly recommend to yogis wanting to understand more, yoga teachers wanting to teach more, and yoga teacher training programs wanting to inform yoga students on the advancing science behind yoga.
  • Anyone who practices yoga needs to own this book! Science of Yoga breaks down the body systems and how yoga benefits each system accompanied by beautifully illustrated anatomy diagrams to show which muscles, joints, etc are being targeted in each pose. This book is essential for seasoned practitioners or those wanting to start their wellness journey with yoga. Highly recommend!!!
  • DK produces a pretty book and makes basic information look attractive. If you are looking for in-depth explanation this isn’t the book for you. This book is suitable for someone who is a beginner yogi looking to learn a little more about poses.
  • As a yoga teacher, practitioner and yoga therapist in training, I have bookshelf upon bookshelf lined with books about anatomy, physiology, yoga anatomy, spirituality, yoga and spirituality, and ancient yogic texts, but absolutely nothing like Ann Swanson’s “Science of Yoga.” Every single one of these subjects is encapsulated within this book.

    She has weaved together science, yoga, anatomy, spirituality and yogic principles in such a beautiful and masterful way that this book is one that every yoga teacher, practitioner, teacher trainer and yoga therapist needs to have their bookshelves, and even better always at arms’ length to refer to and integrate into their living and teaching yoga.

    Visually, this book is stunning. But more so it is accessible and user-friendly. Visual learners will eat up this book immediately. Its format allows the reader to use as a reference for a single specific subject area - or to be read cover to cover. Swanson builds a solid foundation in "Science of Yoga” with exactly "that" - the science - more specifically anatomy. She then continues to build upon the science with the yoga, and then coming full circle with an informative and insightful Q & A, and ending the book by connecting the dots of science and spiritual concepts and teachings that are the foundation of yoga.

    As this being Swanson’s first book, and seeing what great work she has already brought to the table, I can only imagine what body of work is yet to come from her and am eager to watch (and read) her contributions to this field.
  • I started yoga teacher training just after the first of the year. While researching different text books, I came across this book and thought I'd give it a look. Boy, has it turned out to be a wonderful resource!
    I love the way that yoga poses and their affects on the body are presented clearly. Anatomy and physiology concepts have been easier to visualize though the clear illustrations too. This book will prove to be helpful when I plan my yoga sequences.