Read The Bobbsey Twins at School edition by Laura Lee Hope Children eBooks

By Dale Gilbert on Friday, May 17, 2019

Read The Bobbsey Twins at School edition by Laura Lee Hope Children eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 320 KB
  • Print Length 75 pages
  • Publisher Start Publishing LLC (March 27, 2013)
  • Publication Date March 27, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

The Bobbsey Twins at School edition by Laura Lee Hope Children eBooks Reviews

  • I learned to read very early and always loved to escape into a book at night. We played outside during the day but reading was my nighttime activity. When I was 8 I had pneumonia and had to stay in bed for 2 weeks during Christmas break. To keep me still, my parents gave me all the Bobbsey Twin books and a couple of Heidi books. My siblings didn't love reading like I did so they thought I got cheated on my Christmas present with no toys. I was so thrilled that I read them over & over. I got these for my great niece who is 8 and also loves reading. I get to share that one ago love with her.
  • Since my sister was so good as to share her summer cold with me, I was not feeling well on Sunday. So, I decided I wanted to read something that was easy, fun, and not emotional, this book fit the bill.

    I remember how much I loved this when I was younger. I read these on my own and my mom read them too me. I really enjoyed this story, it is simple, not a lot of action or excitement, but realizing and cute.

    I know a few people were concerned on how the African-American Characters are portrayed, but I did not think there was anything wrong about it and historically correct (even if it isn't politically correct.) The African-American servant is obviously loved by the family, the children especially adore her. Yes, her speech is uneducated, but I thought it was part of her charm and made her even more lovable.

    I also enjoyed the references to prayer and thanking God for things. They were brief and not in the book, but enjoyable non the less.

    If you enjoy youthful stories that a old fashioned, and with a relaxed pace, you might enjoy this book.
  • This was a memory lane moment for me. This is the first full book I ever read. I was six years old, and it started me on a lifetime love of books. I re-read it many times during my childhood, but when our local library burned down in the late 1960's it was one of the books my mother donated to help them start back up, so it was lost to me. I was very excited to find it again and read it once more.
  • I give this 5 stars because it is such a perfect example of the charming writing of those faraway days. It's a memory of my own childhood, and my sisters and I still have buzzwords from these lovely books - "Children, children, don't dispute!" - The Bobbseys and the Little House books defined our childhood, and I loved introducing them to my own children and now to my grandchildren. The simplicity and warmth have not gone out of date, and I hope they never do!
  • Read several Bobbsey Twins books when I was young and was delighted with the opportunity to read this particular book again. What a shock to read the negative remarks concerning the Black people especially the segregation of the dolls and to realize that these thoughts were given to young people like me years ago.
  • This seems to be the text from the original 1904 edition, which many people may find dated. They have a Negro cook and handyman, and horse-and-buggy are the main means of transportation.

    It would be really interesting to compare this to the 1960's rewrite.

    That all said, I loved the Bobbsey Twins as a kid (I had some of both eras) and I loved them!
  • When I was a little girl my mother bought me many of The Bobbsey Twins books, and I loved each one of them. I never got to read all of them, however, so when I found this earlier version of the stories (horse and carriage versus automobiles) I wanted to revisit the stories. They are not contemporary enough for today's children in this age of technology, but still the stories are very sweet and have a good message re behaviors.
  • I was quite disappointed with this product. Not for the story - I read them and loved them as a child, though as an adult the stereotypes are quite old fashioned and some of them are offensive. What I disliked most was the quality of the book. It looked like something I could have printed off on my own computer with little formatting. To top it all off, it was mailed in a soft envelope, and the package was stuck to the edge of the book so that even after doing my best to pry it off many pages are still stuck together in the upper right hand corner. A very disappointing buy, overall, especially given my fond childhood memories.